This bench is very well made. I bought the first one to put in our closet, to have a place to sit to put on shoes, but the added benefit of the cube storage. The cubes are a little bigger than most. I put the first bench together by myself, but I got my husband to help with the second one. That one is in my sewing room. The cushion does slide easily off of the top, but that is usually because of my cats jumping on and off of it.
Liked it so much, I bought a second one
This bench is very well made. I bought the first one to put in our closet, to have a place to sit to put on shoes, but the added benefit of the cube storage. The cubes are a little bigger than most. I put the first bench together by myself, but I got my husband to help with the second one. That one is in my sewing room. The cushion does slide easily off of the top, but that is usually because of my cats jumping on and off of it.