Just built this for my daughters apartment. Perfect size. Looks really nice. Sturdier than I expected. Took me 2 hours to assemble, but I took my time and it turned out great. I also added wood glue to the dowels as I was assembling. Probably not necessary, but thought why not. The box arrived looking terrible, but everything inside was perfect. The packaging is messy, but if you slowly unpack the parts and place the Styrofoam in the box top, it's not that bad. When building the drawers, make sure the rollers are at the back of the drawer. Hope that helps.
Nice Quality
Just built this for my daughters apartment. Perfect size. Looks really nice. Sturdier than I expected. Took me 2 hours to assemble, but I took my time and it turned out great. I also added wood glue to the dowels as I was assembling. Probably not necessary, but thought why not. The box arrived looking terrible, but everything inside was perfect. The packaging is messy, but if you slowly unpack the parts and place the Styrofoam in the box top, it's not that bad. When building the drawers, make sure the rollers are at the back of the drawer. Hope that helps.