I was skeptical because of the price especially being a big guy weighing in at 265. First of all they take seconds to assemble. They adjust and swivel and this far are very sturdy with me sitting and spinning on them. They also slide neatly under our island to create more space when not using. These are so easy to take apart and out together I may order another pair to keep in the closet for when guests come over. They take up that little space and are that quick to assemble. Its like 3 pieces and my 5 year old could assemble them.
Perfect, exactly what we were looking for.
I was skeptical because of the price especially being a big guy weighing in at 265. First of all they take seconds to assemble. They adjust and swivel and this far are very sturdy with me sitting and spinning on them. They also slide neatly under our island to create more space when not using. These are so easy to take apart and out together I may order another pair to keep in the closet for when guests come over. They take up that little space and are that quick to assemble. Its like 3 pieces and my 5 year old could assemble them.