The product looks and feels nice. It is very comfortable to sit in and feels good. It was very easy to assemble by following the diagrams they provide in the user guide.
On the negative side I wish the chair bottom was a bit longer as it seems designed for people with relatively short legs. I also wish the headrest was moved a bit closer to my head. The headrest is not really usable for my stature, I have to scrooch down in the chair to use it.
Comfortable Chair
The product looks and feels nice. It is very comfortable to sit in and feels good. It was very easy to assemble by following the diagrams they provide in the user guide. On the negative side I wish the chair bottom was a bit longer as it seems designed for people with relatively short legs. I also wish the headrest was moved a bit closer to my head. The headrest is not really usable for my stature, I have to scrooch down in the chair to use it.