Overall great table. Need something narrow enough for small space but sturdy enough to hold some weight. Assembly instructions are not very detailed, you do have to pay extra attention to pictures. It took me a little more than an hour but thats because my toddler was next to me the whole time wanting to see what I was doing. Would have given 5 stars but one of the knobs for the drawer was stripped. But I contacted manufacturer through their website and they replied quickly and sent a new knob. Very happy with purchase.
Sturdy table
Overall great table. Need something narrow enough for small space but sturdy enough to hold some weight. Assembly instructions are not very detailed, you do have to pay extra attention to pictures. It took me a little more than an hour but thats because my toddler was next to me the whole time wanting to see what I was doing. Would have given 5 stars but one of the knobs for the drawer was stripped. But I contacted manufacturer through their website and they replied quickly and sent a new knob. Very happy with purchase.