The directions, as well as the parts to assemble, need improvements. I am pretty well qualified when it comes to putting together household items. I cannot honestly give our 5 stars when it took 4 hours to assemble this table. The instructions were very skimpy and very difficult to follow. After trying to understand them, I finally went it on my own. There were many of the parts that could have been assembled at the factory, which would have made it much easier and would have cut down the entire assembly time and effort.
Assembly not fun!
The directions, as well as the parts to assemble, need improvements. I am pretty well qualified when it comes to putting together household items. I cannot honestly give our 5 stars when it took 4 hours to assemble this table. The instructions were very skimpy and very difficult to follow. After trying to understand them, I finally went it on my own. There were many of the parts that could have been assembled at the factory, which would have made it much easier and would have cut down the entire assembly time and effort.