This cabinet looked great on and was exactly what I needed for my living room. It arrived quickly and I opened it and tried to assemble it. Unfortunately, one bag of screws were too short to attach the first piece. I had to use other screws I had that were a tad longer.
Once I attached the sides and used the long bolts that came with the piece, the wood started to split. The bolts were way too long for these parts and the press wood could not handle the pressure when tightening the bolts. Thank goodness the cracks are underneath the cabinet!
I used wood glue to keep them together but the joints are flawed. It was not too hard to put together once I had all of the proper parts. I laid everything out ahead of time and then followed the instructions. Some parts of the instructions took a little more time to figure out. I kept looking at all of the images to confirm that I was assembling it properly.
If you do buy this cabinet take care when you use the thicker bolts. I wish they would replace them with a shorter bolt and maybe not as thick.
Looks Great But Wood Cracked At Joints
This cabinet looked great on and was exactly what I needed for my living room. It arrived quickly and I opened it and tried to assemble it. Unfortunately, one bag of screws were too short to attach the first piece. I had to use other screws I had that were a tad longer. Once I attached the sides and used the long bolts that came with the piece, the wood started to split. The bolts were way too long for these parts and the press wood could not handle the pressure when tightening the bolts. Thank goodness the cracks are underneath the cabinet! I used wood glue to keep them together but the joints are flawed. It was not too hard to put together once I had all of the proper parts. I laid everything out ahead of time and then followed the instructions. Some parts of the instructions took a little more time to figure out. I kept looking at all of the images to confirm that I was assembling it properly. If you do buy this cabinet take care when you use the thicker bolts. I wish they would replace them with a shorter bolt and maybe not as thick.