We love this set! Very comfy and extra sturdy. It was a little tedious to put together. It does sit lower to the ground than a standard chair or couch so its little tough for someone with bad knees. My mom can get herself back up as long as she sits on the chair with the side arm to push up on. FYI, It arrived in 3 boxes, 2 came on the same day and the third came about 5 days later so dont worry if it doesnt all come together. Also, a piece of the coffee table was missing but I messaged the seller and they replied immediately and got it to us quickly. I am very pleased with this purchase! Love the bright color on my porch.
Very happy!
We love this set! Very comfy and extra sturdy. It was a little tedious to put together. It does sit lower to the ground than a standard chair or couch so its little tough for someone with bad knees. My mom can get herself back up as long as she sits on the chair with the side arm to push up on. FYI, It arrived in 3 boxes, 2 came on the same day and the third came about 5 days later so dont worry if it doesnt all come together. Also, a piece of the coffee table was missing but I messaged the seller and they replied immediately and got it to us quickly. I am very pleased with this purchase! Love the bright color on my porch.