Decent outdoor sofa set for the price. The seats are a bit uncomfortable as the back is straight up at a 90 degree angle and the cushion are a bit on the thin side so when you sit, the back digs into your shoulder blades. Some couch pillows might help but have not tried that yet. The directions were useless. I put this together in 90 plus degree heat and finally gave up on the directions and just figured out what screws fit where. Took all day. Not as good of quality that you would find at the box stores but also not as expensive. The box store ones cost much more.
Just Ok Outdoor Sofa
Decent outdoor sofa set for the price. The seats are a bit uncomfortable as the back is straight up at a 90 degree angle and the cushion are a bit on the thin side so when you sit, the back digs into your shoulder blades. Some couch pillows might help but have not tried that yet. The directions were useless. I put this together in 90 plus degree heat and finally gave up on the directions and just figured out what screws fit where. Took all day. Not as good of quality that you would find at the box stores but also not as expensive. The box store ones cost much more.