Seems sturdy and looks great. It took a while to put together though. It comes in 3 different boxes, at three different times, which I saw from other reviews, but did not realize that each box would have its own instructions. I would put together each delivery separately and not open all of the boxes together. I opened everything at once and it made things extremely confusing. I was able to figure out what matched up by process of elimination though and this seems like a great set!
Seems sturdy and looks great. It took a while to put together though. It comes in 3 different boxes, at three different times, which I saw from other reviews, but did not realize that each box would have its own instructions. I would put together each delivery separately and not open all of the boxes together. I opened everything at once and it made things extremely confusing. I was able to figure out what matched up by process of elimination though and this seems like a great set!