Very satisfied with the quality based on the price.
This set comes in 3 boxes. They did not all arrive at the same time so I was a bit confused initially. Very easy to assemble! I did it myself in a little over an hour. The set looks great. Its sightly lower than the more expensive sets and the seat parts give a little more, but it is still comfortable to sit on. I used scotch guard on the cushions to try to protect them and plan on storing the cushions when not in use. There is no storage underneath the table or ottoman which would have been nice, but for the price Im not going to complain.
Very satisfied with the quality based on the price.
This set comes in 3 boxes. They did not all arrive at the same time so I was a bit confused initially. Very easy to assemble! I did it myself in a little over an hour. The set looks great. Its sightly lower than the more expensive sets and the seat parts give a little more, but it is still comfortable to sit on. I used scotch guard on the cushions to try to protect them and plan on storing the cushions when not in use. There is no storage underneath the table or ottoman which would have been nice, but for the price Im not going to complain.