This is a great set for the price. It seems like a sturdy set so far. It was pretty easy to assemble (everything lined up perfectly). The directions were great. I did all the assembly on a table top.and just kept turning the piece and tightening the screws until they were all in. You dont need 2 people to put this set together. This 60 something woman found it to be easy.
The cushion covers are a little cheap so I scotch guarded them to try to keep them as long as possible.
This set arrived in 4 boxes. One with extra cushion covers and 3 with the furniture. I opened a box when I received it and put that piece together. Chair comes in one, one end of sofa and armless (middle) section in another and the ottoman, table and the other end of the sofa come together in one.
It does sit a bit lower than some patio furniture but it is perfect for me. I cant begin to count how many pieces I have gotten through the years that sat too high and was uncomfortable, so this is great.
I love the set but am only giving 4 start because of the quality of the cushions and the extra 40 bucks I had to spend to protect them. How they hold up remains to be seen.
Great set for the price.
This is a great set for the price. It seems like a sturdy set so far. It was pretty easy to assemble (everything lined up perfectly). The directions were great. I did all the assembly on a table top.and just kept turning the piece and tightening the screws until they were all in. You dont need 2 people to put this set together. This 60 something woman found it to be easy. The cushion covers are a little cheap so I scotch guarded them to try to keep them as long as possible. This set arrived in 4 boxes. One with extra cushion covers and 3 with the furniture. I opened a box when I received it and put that piece together. Chair comes in one, one end of sofa and armless (middle) section in another and the ottoman, table and the other end of the sofa come together in one. It does sit a bit lower than some patio furniture but it is perfect for me. I cant begin to count how many pieces I have gotten through the years that sat too high and was uncomfortable, so this is great. I love the set but am only giving 4 start because of the quality of the cushions and the extra 40 bucks I had to spend to protect them. How they hold up remains to be seen.