It is just as described. It was real easy to put together The directions are spot on if you follow them and pay careful attention to the pictures in the directions! The materials are perfectly numbered and the small pieces are in little , well marked bags. It was a piece of cake to assemble. Im 67 years old and didnt have a problem. Its perfect size to fit by my recliner. The color is beautiful I would purchase again,if I ever needed another.
LOVE this end table
It is just as described. It was real easy to put together The directions are spot on if you follow them and pay careful attention to the pictures in the directions! The materials are perfectly numbered and the small pieces are in little , well marked bags. It was a piece of cake to assemble. Im 67 years old and didnt have a problem. Its perfect size to fit by my recliner. The color is beautiful I would purchase again,if I ever needed another.