Nice bed, not too bad to assemble. Takes some time. I had to break down and get my wife to help me hold up while assembling some but u may be able to by yourself but I dont recommend trying with the first few steps. Looks really good. The way it is designed it has a lot of supports to make it sturdy as it can which is pretty good. My 11 year old loves it and feels safe in it. It is a little bit unhandy getting in and out of the bed getting over the rail at top of ladder, but my child adapted pretty easily. The bars on ladder could be improved to a wider bar or possibly flat steps to be easier on your feet climbing up and down. There are less expensive beds but they dont have the and shelf like this one has which is very useful. Overall I am happy with the bed and my 11 year old loves it.
Nice bed, my child loves it.
Nice bed, not too bad to assemble. Takes some time. I had to break down and get my wife to help me hold up while assembling some but u may be able to by yourself but I dont recommend trying with the first few steps. Looks really good. The way it is designed it has a lot of supports to make it sturdy as it can which is pretty good. My 11 year old loves it and feels safe in it. It is a little bit unhandy getting in and out of the bed getting over the rail at top of ladder, but my child adapted pretty easily. The bars on ladder could be improved to a wider bar or possibly flat steps to be easier on your feet climbing up and down. There are less expensive beds but they dont have the and shelf like this one has which is very useful. Overall I am happy with the bed and my 11 year old loves it.