I bought this frame around 2 years ago and it was very easy to put together, the instructions were clear and the pieces were labeled properly. I was able to put it together by myself with no real issues, but would recommend having a second person just to make it easier/safer. The only problem I had is on the shelves. I had a diffuser on one and the oil bottle next to it had tipped and leaked, it caused the plastic or whatever on the shelving to bubble and peel. Aside from that, being my own mistake, its held up better than I expected and I 100 recommend this if youre looking to save space and not have to replace any time soon!
Simple, Easy, Sturdy
I bought this frame around 2 years ago and it was very easy to put together, the instructions were clear and the pieces were labeled properly. I was able to put it together by myself with no real issues, but would recommend having a second person just to make it easier/safer. The only problem I had is on the shelves. I had a diffuser on one and the oil bottle next to it had tipped and leaked, it caused the plastic or whatever on the shelving to bubble and peel. Aside from that, being my own mistake, its held up better than I expected and I 100 recommend this if youre looking to save space and not have to replace any time soon!