This was easy and straight forward to assemble. I was able to assemble it by myself at 5ft. 1in. using a stool. My 8 year old loves it and the shelves add a great amount of storage for her toys and experiments.
There are two small cons, which are very minor. The first is that the steps on the ladder are not very comfortable to step on. As other people have pointed out it is not comfortable. I will try the suggested modifications to make it more comfortable.
The second is that it will shake if she is moving a lot. It feels safe its just that some things may tip over on the shelves with the movement. Its a minor issue but something to keep in mind.
Overall it looks great in the room and was a great value.
Great bed for the price.
This was easy and straight forward to assemble. I was able to assemble it by myself at 5ft. 1in. using a stool. My 8 year old loves it and the shelves add a great amount of storage for her toys and experiments. There are two small cons, which are very minor. The first is that the steps on the ladder are not very comfortable to step on. As other people have pointed out it is not comfortable. I will try the suggested modifications to make it more comfortable. The second is that it will shake if she is moving a lot. It feels safe its just that some things may tip over on the shelves with the movement. Its a minor issue but something to keep in mind. Overall it looks great in the room and was a great value.