Great little cat stand. It came the same day I ordered it and was simple to assemble. I didnt even need instructions. Perfect size we needed for a small space. I will say that if you have a quite large cat then this may be too small for them. Our cat is only 7 lbs. Also, a very wild rambunctious cat that can be destructive might need a higher quality cat stand. I could see this one not lasting as long maybe. But, overall happy with this purchase.
Small, cute and easy to assemble.
Great little cat stand. It came the same day I ordered it and was simple to assemble. I didnt even need instructions. Perfect size we needed for a small space. I will say that if you have a quite large cat then this may be too small for them. Our cat is only 7 lbs. Also, a very wild rambunctious cat that can be destructive might need a higher quality cat stand. I could see this one not lasting as long maybe. But, overall happy with this purchase.