This is easy to assemble and sturdy, but needs more padding
This arrived promptly and was easy to put together in 3 minutes. My only issue is that I feel the bed at the top could have at least another layer of foam or something - it is a very thin piece of material over a hard wooden surface. I have added a blanket which is easy enough to do, but then you lose the little rim that goes around the top. Not sure why, but the cats really seem to like that rim. Still, it is a good value and I am keeping it because I like that it is not very tall as our windows are set pretty low and I did not want something that was blocking a lot of that. The little scoop platform is tiny - kitten size - but the upper platform is a decent size and all my big guys can sit in it without issue.
This is easy to assemble and sturdy, but needs more padding
This arrived promptly and was easy to put together in 3 minutes. My only issue is that I feel the bed at the top could have at least another layer of foam or something - it is a very thin piece of material over a hard wooden surface. I have added a blanket which is easy enough to do, but then you lose the little rim that goes around the top. Not sure why, but the cats really seem to like that rim. Still, it is a good value and I am keeping it because I like that it is not very tall as our windows are set pretty low and I did not want something that was blocking a lot of that. The little scoop platform is tiny - kitten size - but the upper platform is a decent size and all my big guys can sit in it without issue.