Its a good, sturdy, quality table but I did have a problem with the assembly due to a defect, hence the 4 stars.
One of the holes for the screws that hold the legs on doesnt seem to have any threading, or it was done poorly. The screw went all the way in, but just keeps spinning and now wont even come out. Thankfully once it was completely assembled it didnt seem affect the strength and stability.
Unfortunately by the time you run into something like this, theres really no way you can repack it all and return or exchange it.
Good, but quality needs a little improvement
Its a good, sturdy, quality table but I did have a problem with the assembly due to a defect, hence the 4 stars. One of the holes for the screws that hold the legs on doesnt seem to have any threading, or it was done poorly. The screw went all the way in, but just keeps spinning and now wont even come out. Thankfully once it was completely assembled it didnt seem affect the strength and stability. Unfortunately by the time you run into something like this, theres really no way you can repack it all and return or exchange it.