Note: The two imperfections are minor and are mostly concealed int he final product, but still disappointing. I will edit this review to reflect my interaction with customer service.
The back is a little stiff, but the seat is so so comfortable. The seat is a good height for sitting or throwing your legs up on an ottoman/pouf.
Assembly was very quick and easy. is a little light (as expected for the price) but has a nice finish with no imperfections except those I pictured. Upholstery is a sturdy and comfortable fabric and had no imperfections.
The packaging seemed secure with styrofoam, foam wrapping and an empty box to keep everything in place, but minor damage still occurred.
Great addition to my living space!
Note: The two imperfections are minor and are mostly concealed int he final product, but still disappointing. I will edit this review to reflect my interaction with customer service. The back is a little stiff, but the seat is so so comfortable. The seat is a good height for sitting or throwing your legs up on an ottoman/pouf. Assembly was very quick and easy. is a little light (as expected for the price) but has a nice finish with no imperfections except those I pictured. Upholstery is a sturdy and comfortable fabric and had no imperfections. The packaging seemed secure with styrofoam, foam wrapping and an empty box to keep everything in place, but minor damage still occurred.