We ordered this for my 4 year old in twin size. The frame itself is very sturdy. My mother in law has slept on it and it made zero noise. It has been jumped on by both children so they can cannonball onto their stuffy pile. The only reason I didnt give 5 stars is the feet eventually folded into the post and it scratched our wood floor pretty severely. I shouldve bought better pads/covers so we now have toddler socks over the legs.
Super sturdy twin size frame
We ordered this for my 4 year old in twin size. The frame itself is very sturdy. My mother in law has slept on it and it made zero noise. It has been jumped on by both children so they can cannonball onto their stuffy pile. The only reason I didnt give 5 stars is the feet eventually folded into the post and it scratched our wood floor pretty severely. I shouldve bought better pads/covers so we now have toddler socks over the legs.