Bought a twin size, now wanting one for myself. Great quality for a low price.
This twin sized frame was super easy to put together. Easier with 2 people, but not impossible with 1. They have the tools you need in the package as well along with extra screws. Its very light after its put together. Carried it by myself to the bedroom. I like the fact you dont need boxsprings. We had plywood left from the bed frame we replaced, so we just used it under the mattress on the new frame. Side note, if you want to put a headboard on this you will need longer screws than what is given. Where you would attach the headboard is a lot thicker than a normal bed frame. There are no holes for a footboard. Im considering buying a queen size frame for myself.
Bought a twin size, now wanting one for myself. Great quality for a low price.
This twin sized frame was super easy to put together. Easier with 2 people, but not impossible with 1. They have the tools you need in the package as well along with extra screws. Its very light after its put together. Carried it by myself to the bedroom. I like the fact you dont need boxsprings. We had plywood left from the bed frame we replaced, so we just used it under the mattress on the new frame. Side note, if you want to put a headboard on this you will need longer screws than what is given. Where you would attach the headboard is a lot thicker than a normal bed frame. There are no holes for a footboard. Im considering buying a queen size frame for myself.