Easy, very sturdy and lots of storage space underneath
This was so easy to put together. Even though one of the pieces was labeled as a 1 instead of a 2, it was a no brainer. Very sturdy, everything fits fabulous. I got this particular frame because of the storage space underneath of it and I literally was able to clean out an entire closet and put the storage totes and Christmas stuff underneath of the bed / see the second picture. Storage totes just slide right under. The mattress comes in a couple days and I will put a bedskirt on it and put the mattress on top and you will not even see the stuff under the bed. Ill update with a finished picture in a few days.
Easy, very sturdy and lots of storage space underneath
This was so easy to put together. Even though one of the pieces was labeled as a 1 instead of a 2, it was a no brainer. Very sturdy, everything fits fabulous. I got this particular frame because of the storage space underneath of it and I literally was able to clean out an entire closet and put the storage totes and Christmas stuff underneath of the bed / see the second picture. Storage totes just slide right under. The mattress comes in a couple days and I will put a bedskirt on it and put the mattress on top and you will not even see the stuff under the bed. Ill update with a finished picture in a few days.