Ive had this item in my cart off and on for over 6 months. Watching it go up and down in price. I finally purchased it. I am not disappointed. It looks fabulous. It is sturdy (heavy in the box), comfortable and beautiful. It took ingenuity to assemble because the screw holes are a bit off point. I build furniture so I made some minor adjustments. There were NO holes, cracks, rips or tears in the fabric. It came with an extra screw and washer. I put lights underneathjust because I love lights. Now I am ready to complete this sitting area with pedestal decoration.
UPDATE: As of 2/12/21 I have had to recover this item. The seams came apart on the seatvery easily. Good thing I can upholster furniture.
Blue Royalty
Ive had this item in my cart off and on for over 6 months. Watching it go up and down in price. I finally purchased it. I am not disappointed. It looks fabulous. It is sturdy (heavy in the box), comfortable and beautiful. It took ingenuity to assemble because the screw holes are a bit off point. I build furniture so I made some minor adjustments. There were NO holes, cracks, rips or tears in the fabric. It came with an extra screw and washer. I put lights underneathjust because I love lights. Now I am ready to complete this sitting area with pedestal decoration. UPDATE: As of 2/12/21 I have had to recover this item. The seams came apart on the seatvery easily. Good thing I can upholster furniture.