Sturdy and looks pretty good, assembly instructions are terrible and the seat pad is firm
This unit is better-constructed than most of the typical generic prefab furniture, which is great. We are using it for a window seat that also provides storage for pet supplies, and it has really fit the bill.
Only real downside is the absolutely terrible assembly instructions. Take your time and you wont have any problems but be careful not to rush because there are key steps the directions dont illustrate.
Sturdy and looks pretty good, assembly instructions are terrible and the seat pad is firm
This unit is better-constructed than most of the typical generic prefab furniture, which is great. We are using it for a window seat that also provides storage for pet supplies, and it has really fit the bill. Only real downside is the absolutely terrible assembly instructions. Take your time and you wont have any problems but be careful not to rush because there are key steps the directions dont illustrate.