Purchased this bed for my toddler, its great. Exactly what we were looking for. We are using the frame with a memory foam mattress. We did not purchase a box spring. Frame comes with slats. We were concerned about durability of just using the slats, so my husband put down a piece of plywood, which seems to have increased the stability of the bed. Our little boy can be rambunctious and likes to jump on the bed. Frame sets very low, so he can climb up and down without assistance. Arrived in damaged and was easy for husband to assemble.
Excellent bed for toddler
Purchased this bed for my toddler, its great. Exactly what we were looking for. We are using the frame with a memory foam mattress. We did not purchase a box spring. Frame comes with slats. We were concerned about durability of just using the slats, so my husband put down a piece of plywood, which seems to have increased the stability of the bed. Our little boy can be rambunctious and likes to jump on the bed. Frame sets very low, so he can climb up and down without assistance. Arrived in damaged and was easy for husband to assemble.