It looks much better and is sturdier than I expected. It came with extra spare parts which is always nice in case something gets lost during assembly. The one thing we found a bit aggravating was the allen wrench provided was a bit short so as to do a complete rotation, personal preference would have been to have a bit longer and only do half a rotation at a time, but thats just me.
There is a little gouge on the top front edge. I tried taking a picture, but it wouldnt attach.
I accidently ordered the wrong color, so I received a grey wash instead of the barnwood. But it looks good by my brick fireplace and with my light oak furniture, so no complaints there.
Nicer Than Expected
It looks much better and is sturdier than I expected. It came with extra spare parts which is always nice in case something gets lost during assembly. The one thing we found a bit aggravating was the allen wrench provided was a bit short so as to do a complete rotation, personal preference would have been to have a bit longer and only do half a rotation at a time, but thats just me. There is a little gouge on the top front edge. I tried taking a picture, but it wouldnt attach. I accidently ordered the wrong color, so I received a grey wash instead of the barnwood. But it looks good by my brick fireplace and with my light oak furniture, so no complaints there.