Overall quality is good. The major complaint is the holes for hinges. I broke over 4 screws trying to get the hinges secured. The screws are now imbedded in the wood and I can no longer input new screws. Please make sure you use a 5/64th drill bit and drill the length of the screw before you try to screw the hinges on or just do not install the doors. Everything else went flawless but the hinges were a major upset since you can obviously see that some screws are missing.
Drill deeper holes for hinges
Overall quality is good. The major complaint is the holes for hinges. I broke over 4 screws trying to get the hinges secured. The screws are now imbedded in the wood and I can no longer input new screws. Please make sure you use a 5/64th drill bit and drill the length of the screw before you try to screw the hinges on or just do not install the doors. Everything else went flawless but the hinges were a major upset since you can obviously see that some screws are missing.