The product came in flat packaging. The instructions to assemble were very clear and for most screws there was an extra set. Assembling was really easy. I liked it even more than assembling any ikea ; especially the doors and the back were very easy.
I have just started using it in my kitchen so cant say much about its durability. However it looks sturdy and the wood seems to be of good quality. We wanted something that does not occupy too much space and yet looks good and provides storage. This product definitely checks all the boxes
Easy to assemble and good quality
The product came in flat packaging. The instructions to assemble were very clear and for most screws there was an extra set. Assembling was really easy. I liked it even more than assembling any ikea ; especially the doors and the back were very easy. I have just started using it in my kitchen so cant say much about its durability. However it looks sturdy and the wood seems to be of good quality. We wanted something that does not occupy too much space and yet looks good and provides storage. This product definitely checks all the boxes