Easy to assemble, all tools are provided too. Very sturdy when assembled, i weigh 225lbs and can sit on top of it without damage, now i dont recommend you continuously do that, but it shows its not junk construction. Be careful to NOT over tighten the screws that use allen wrenches(easy to do). Assemble the end table completely but do not tighten the screws(just barely snug), once completed put stand on flat surface then go back and final snug all allen screws!
Everything you need to assemble comes with it!
Easy to assemble, all tools are provided too. Very sturdy when assembled, i weigh 225lbs and can sit on top of it without damage, now i dont recommend you continuously do that, but it shows its not junk construction. Be careful to NOT over tighten the screws that use allen wrenches(easy to do). Assemble the end table completely but do not tighten the screws(just barely snug), once completed put stand on flat surface then go back and final snug all allen screws!