I bought the bed for two grandsons.ages 6 and 9.for weekend sleepovers. Its been working out great. I didnt want to spend lots of money but wanted something sturdy enough for boys. So far, so good. Of course, they are not jumping around on them or off them.the frame is sturdy.and so is the ladder. Fairly simple to put together if you follow the directions. An extra pair of hands was helpful. I put casters under all the legs, including the ladder and can slide the bed away from the wall to fix blankets, sheets, etc.
from, Grandma
nice buy
I bought the bed for two grandsons.ages 6 and 9.for weekend sleepovers. Its been working out great. I didnt want to spend lots of money but wanted something sturdy enough for boys. So far, so good. Of course, they are not jumping around on them or off them.the frame is sturdy.and so is the ladder. Fairly simple to put together if you follow the directions. An extra pair of hands was helpful. I put casters under all the legs, including the ladder and can slide the bed away from the wall to fix blankets, sheets, etc. from, Grandma