Once assembled, this is a great cabinet! Good and sturdy. The instructions, however, are incredibly vague. It took some trial and error to figure out. Thankfully, the listing has a video, so that was a little helpful.
I also had a hard time putting in the magnet at the bottom of the cabinet for the door. It wouldnt go in all the way, so I just removed it. Cabinet door still catches just fine with only one magnet.
Assembly instructions are vague
Once assembled, this is a great cabinet! Good and sturdy. The instructions, however, are incredibly vague. It took some trial and error to figure out. Thankfully, the listing has a video, so that was a little helpful. I also had a hard time putting in the magnet at the bottom of the cabinet for the door. It wouldnt go in all the way, so I just removed it. Cabinet door still catches just fine with only one magnet.