Bought these for my two little ones and they are a great product for the price you pay. price wont kill you and assembly not hard just takes alittle time.
Love that you can take them apart if you want to. Very sturdy. My personal only complaint is the ladder, I wish it came with some padding or was flat steps
not the round ones. I always find myself hurting my bottom of my feet when I climb them, as I am always barefoot in my house. For the kids Im sure this is
not a problem.
Great Beds
Bought these for my two little ones and they are a great product for the price you pay. price wont kill you and assembly not hard just takes alittle time. Love that you can take them apart if you want to. Very sturdy. My personal only complaint is the ladder, I wish it came with some padding or was flat steps not the round ones. I always find myself hurting my bottom of my feet when I climb them, as I am always barefoot in my house. For the kids Im sure this is not a problem.