For this price point this is a very good buy. The couch is very well made and sturdy. You can see in the photos the stitching is good on the corners (and everywhere), the legs are solid wood, the legs that go under the fold have metal backings for extra support.
This comes to you folded in a square, its kind of neat and everything is well protected. It does take two people to assemble it easily, you can accomplish this by yourself but it is difficult. Moving it is pretty easy, while it is solid you two people can carry this with no trouble, or one person can slide it.
The back of the couch can be adjusted to be at the full upright position, an angle, or laying flat when using as a sleeper. This is pretty comfortable to sit on. This isnt our main couch, its in a sitting room and it looks good in it. Please note that this isnt a full three cushion couch it has 2 cushions.
Overall, this is one of the better beginner couches I have seen. The material is soft, does NOT have that funky microfiber feel and looks good. The couch itself is well made and easy to convert to a sleeper if needed. I am very satisfied with my purchase.
We really like it
For this price point this is a very good buy. The couch is very well made and sturdy. You can see in the photos the stitching is good on the corners (and everywhere), the legs are solid wood, the legs that go under the fold have metal backings for extra support. This comes to you folded in a square, its kind of neat and everything is well protected. It does take two people to assemble it easily, you can accomplish this by yourself but it is difficult. Moving it is pretty easy, while it is solid you two people can carry this with no trouble, or one person can slide it. The back of the couch can be adjusted to be at the full upright position, an angle, or laying flat when using as a sleeper. This is pretty comfortable to sit on. This isnt our main couch, its in a sitting room and it looks good in it. Please note that this isnt a full three cushion couch it has 2 cushions. Overall, this is one of the better beginner couches I have seen. The material is soft, does NOT have that funky microfiber feel and looks good. The couch itself is well made and easy to convert to a sleeper if needed. I am very satisfied with my purchase.