Could be great. Bad hardware! Get your tap and die set ready!
It is very sturdy for the money. Great instructions. However, the hardware is crap. Every bolt had spurs in the threads and needed to be cleaned up. Since I was moving I didnt have a die set and had to purchase one. It took 4 hours to put together! Also, randomly one of the slats were about a 1/4in too short, and the top of the footboard was bent and required I beat it with a rubber mallet to get it in place for the railing to attach. If it wasnt for the quality control issue it would be 5 stars. I was actually pretty disappointed.
Could be great. Bad hardware! Get your tap and die set ready!
It is very sturdy for the money. Great instructions. However, the hardware is crap. Every bolt had spurs in the threads and needed to be cleaned up. Since I was moving I didnt have a die set and had to purchase one. It took 4 hours to put together! Also, randomly one of the slats were about a 1/4in too short, and the top of the footboard was bent and required I beat it with a rubber mallet to get it in place for the railing to attach. If it wasnt for the quality control issue it would be 5 stars. I was actually pretty disappointed.