I bought two of these for my sons. The box is incredibly heavy. I unboxed them downstairs and carried the pieces up to their rooms.
The instructions are pretty clear. Im small, 5 ft 0, and I put them both together by myself. It took me about 3 hours for the first and two and a half for the second.
They seem pretty sturdy. They are very tall. The bottom rails are about as tall as me.
Overall they seem to be of good quality. The only issue I had is that I cannot change the futon bed to a couch by myself. The mattress is heavy and I need help. I Would definitely buy again
Great value, would buy again
I bought two of these for my sons. The box is incredibly heavy. I unboxed them downstairs and carried the pieces up to their rooms. The instructions are pretty clear. Im small, 5 ft 0, and I put them both together by myself. It took me about 3 hours for the first and two and a half for the second. They seem pretty sturdy. They are very tall. The bottom rails are about as tall as me. Overall they seem to be of good quality. The only issue I had is that I cannot change the futon bed to a couch by myself. The mattress is heavy and I need help. I Would definitely buy again