Nice and sturdy bedframe. It came well wrapped for protection, but it took a long time to unwrap everything. Instructions were easy to read but it took me almost 2hrs. to set up w all the different pieces. I definitely needed an extra hand. Also, my queen size mattress slips on the slats. They should have fabric or velcro over the slats so the mattress doesnt slip. Overall, pleased with purchase because of the look and quality. Modern, comfortable and great value
Nice Looking Bedframe
Nice and sturdy bedframe. It came well wrapped for protection, but it took a long time to unwrap everything. Instructions were easy to read but it took me almost 2hrs. to set up w all the different pieces. I definitely needed an extra hand. Also, my queen size mattress slips on the slats. They should have fabric or velcro over the slats so the mattress doesnt slip. Overall, pleased with purchase because of the look and quality. Modern, comfortable and great value