very HIGH QUALITY. Very sturdy, very well made. My husband said it had about 2000 separate parts, but the instructions were extremely well written and everything it said to do was in order and clear and easy to understand. It helps if you have an extra set of hands during assembly. This bed is heavy, so build it where you want it to ultimately be, it will be hard to move to another room later. My daughter loves this bed. very reasonably priced as well.
Very sturdy, very well made
very HIGH QUALITY. Very sturdy, very well made. My husband said it had about 2000 separate parts, but the instructions were extremely well written and everything it said to do was in order and clear and easy to understand. It helps if you have an extra set of hands during assembly. This bed is heavy, so build it where you want it to ultimately be, it will be hard to move to another room later. My daughter loves this bed. very reasonably priced as well.