Im very pleased with this bunk bed. I ended up spending a little more to get a bed others rated as sturdy. This bed is very sturdy. The pieces have weight to them and there is no way this thing is coming down no matter how much the kids try. Considering the amount of pieces, it was not bad to put together at all. I did most of it myself and my husband helped with putting the bed on top and a few other steps. The stairs were a little trickier to put together and my husband is less convinced they will last as long as the bed, but I think it will. The drawers are a huge hit with the kids. Love this product
Im very pleased with this bunk bed. I ended up spending a little more to get a bed others rated as sturdy. This bed is very sturdy. The pieces have weight to them and there is no way this thing is coming down no matter how much the kids try. Considering the amount of pieces, it was not bad to put together at all. I did most of it myself and my husband helped with putting the bed on top and a few other steps. The stairs were a little trickier to put together and my husband is less convinced they will last as long as the bed, but I think it will. The drawers are a huge hit with the kids. Love this product