I wore out my old wooden grinder, the kind with a little drawer, so I got this one. I have about 20 pounds of beans, maybe more, and this grinder grinds em up pretty fast. Chuck it into a cordless drill and see what happens (thats how I wore out my old one, fast). With ceramic choppers, I dont guess this one will leave metal shavings in your grounds when you electrify it. Im going to stick with just hand grinding whilst watching a flick or reading a book or browsing
I like it. Thanks.
Not bad. Not bad at all.
I wore out my old wooden grinder, the kind with a little drawer, so I got this one. I have about 20 pounds of beans, maybe more, and this grinder grinds em up pretty fast. Chuck it into a cordless drill and see what happens (thats how I wore out my old one, fast). With ceramic choppers, I dont guess this one will leave metal shavings in your grounds when you electrify it. Im going to stick with just hand grinding whilst watching a flick or reading a book or browsing I like it. Thanks.