I was looking for a coffee miller that works when the power is off and like this one. I grind my coffee daily. It is slower than an electric but more consistent grind [for the price] for my expresos machine. It does take a bit of exercise every morning, and I never use the small inter jar. Handle can come off and I did try using my electric drill once, but I prefer the hand crank. I havent tried cleaning it yet, but all that goes into this one is coffee beans. It did have an annoying squeak for the first few weeks, but a drop or 2 olive oil eliminated the squeak. I suspect an oily bean would also take care of the squeak, I was using a very dry bean.
Mill not chopper
I was looking for a coffee miller that works when the power is off and like this one. I grind my coffee daily. It is slower than an electric but more consistent grind [for the price] for my expresos machine. It does take a bit of exercise every morning, and I never use the small inter jar. Handle can come off and I did try using my electric drill once, but I prefer the hand crank. I havent tried cleaning it yet, but all that goes into this one is coffee beans. It did have an annoying squeak for the first few weeks, but a drop or 2 olive oil eliminated the squeak. I suspect an oily bean would also take care of the squeak, I was using a very dry bean.