Once it was fully put together it seems pretty sturdy for the price
The screws that came with are low quality and scared me the whole time I was assembling it. Once it was fully put together it seems pretty sturdy for the price. A few of the poles have dents in them, but since this is for my 2 and 5 year old I assume they will only create more in the future. The assembly was easy but very time consuming. This is a smaller bunk bed than I assumed but great for kids to maneuver in and out of. Its a good product
Once it was fully put together it seems pretty sturdy for the price
The screws that came with are low quality and scared me the whole time I was assembling it. Once it was fully put together it seems pretty sturdy for the price. A few of the poles have dents in them, but since this is for my 2 and 5 year old I assume they will only create more in the future. The assembly was easy but very time consuming. This is a smaller bunk bed than I assumed but great for kids to maneuver in and out of. Its a good product