After reading some of the negative comments, I was really nervous about my delivery. I have to say, I love it! So Easy to assemble. My 14 year old daughter and I had it put together in less than 30 minutes. It seems very sturdy. The bottom cushions bounced up nicely, give it at least 24/48 hrs. I probably will add mini travel pillows inside the back cushions. This is great for a small space. It arrived in 2 boxes on the same day. The boxes had no problem fitting through my narrow hallway. I even bought a small reversible couch cover for it. Good Quality for Cost
Pleasantly surprised!
After reading some of the negative comments, I was really nervous about my delivery. I have to say, I love it! So Easy to assemble. My 14 year old daughter and I had it put together in less than 30 minutes. It seems very sturdy. The bottom cushions bounced up nicely, give it at least 24/48 hrs. I probably will add mini travel pillows inside the back cushions. This is great for a small space. It arrived in 2 boxes on the same day. The boxes had no problem fitting through my narrow hallway. I even bought a small reversible couch cover for it. Good Quality for Cost