I purchase these chairs for the waiting room in my office, and Im very happy that I did. I put these chairs together very quickly. They were easy to assemble, it took me less than an hour to put both chairs together. They are very sturdy and comfortable. So far my clients that have sat in them have all agreed. So whatever it is you would need them for, I think they work in several settings and well worth purchasing. I would definitely recommend, especially if you are sticking with a specific budget.
Excellent Chairs!
I purchase these chairs for the waiting room in my office, and Im very happy that I did. I put these chairs together very quickly. They were easy to assemble, it took me less than an hour to put both chairs together. They are very sturdy and comfortable. So far my clients that have sat in them have all agreed. So whatever it is you would need them for, I think they work in several settings and well worth purchasing. I would definitely recommend, especially if you are sticking with a specific budget.