Assembles well, just make sure to follow the order. And works great. for me anyway.
It was very easy to assemble. I give it a 4 star for sturdy only because the bar loosens up easily after just a few times of swinging it over. And retightening is extremely difficult unless you have one of those flexible screwdrivers. Other wise you would need to take it partially apart. Which is a big pain for just that reason. Other than that I really like it.
Side note follow the directions in order. A couple steps seem out of order so I did it the way that did make sence just to understand WHY they went in a particular order.
Assembles well, just make sure to follow the order. And works great. for me anyway.
It was very easy to assemble. I give it a 4 star for sturdy only because the bar loosens up easily after just a few times of swinging it over. And retightening is extremely difficult unless you have one of those flexible screwdrivers. Other wise you would need to take it partially apart. Which is a big pain for just that reason. Other than that I really like it. Side note follow the directions in order. A couple steps seem out of order so I did it the way that did make sence just to understand WHY they went in a particular order.