The bed looks nice and seems sturdy now that its done, but was a bear to assemble. Nearly every single piece of the bed arrived un/assembled / down to each individual slat. It took 2 people about 2 hours of frustrated grumbling to assemble, and we had to abandon the directions to do it a more logical way mid/way through after the third time one section of slats all fell out. Not well/thought out assembly at all. Exactly as it looks, but not great quality.
Really tough to assemble
The bed looks nice and seems sturdy now that its done, but was a bear to assemble. Nearly every single piece of the bed arrived un/assembled / down to each individual slat. It took 2 people about 2 hours of frustrated grumbling to assemble, and we had to abandon the directions to do it a more logical way mid/way through after the third time one section of slats all fell out. Not well/thought out assembly at all. Exactly as it looks, but not great quality.