I bought this for my two daughters and they love it. It is quite sturdy compared to others .
I bought this for my two daughters and they love it. It is quite sturdy compared to others I have seen that my friends have for their kids. Assembly was not terrible and it would have been much easier with two people. There are a lot of parts and it will take you some time to get it done but the finished product is well worth it, especially for the price. We love it
I bought this for my two daughters and they love it. It is quite sturdy compared to others .
I bought this for my two daughters and they love it. It is quite sturdy compared to others I have seen that my friends have for their kids. Assembly was not terrible and it would have been much easier with two people. There are a lot of parts and it will take you some time to get it done but the finished product is well worth it, especially for the price. We love it