The assembly was pretty easy. The Leds are easy to install. Its fairly small for a nightstand but I think its fine having sturdy drawers. Overall, its made very well. Make sure you place Leds in the right place as the entire top is hinged which I found cool. I recommend for people that want something unique and are limited on space. I had a good experience with customer service reaching out to me about my satisfaction with their product. It is built like a tank was quite surprised.
Something pretty unique
The assembly was pretty easy. The Leds are easy to install. Its fairly small for a nightstand but I think its fine having sturdy drawers. Overall, its made very well. Make sure you place Leds in the right place as the entire top is hinged which I found cool. I recommend for people that want something unique and are limited on space. I had a good experience with customer service reaching out to me about my satisfaction with their product. It is built like a tank was quite surprised.