I ordered two of the blue chairs. It only took two days for them to arrive, and I put both together within 2-3 hours by myself (no help from husband needed). I honestly don’t know why everyone is complaining about how difficult it is to put the chairs together, and how awful the directions are. I had zero problem reading the directions, they were simple and clear. All of my hardware was supplied. Some of the bolts didn’t easily line up with the drilled holes, but it wasn’t a big deal. Like I said I put it together by myself, no husband needed. The chairs are a great size (most accent chairs are tiny), and my husband will be able to easily sit and be comfortable. The corduroy fabric seems thick and durable, so I hope it’ll stand up to our dog and child. All of the cushions come off and are velcroed to the frame. It’s a very comfortable chair and I’m very happy with my purchase. I’d buy them again. Just to note- this is MY review, I purchased the chairs myself and was not asked to write a review by the seller.
Love them!
I ordered two of the blue chairs. It only took two days for them to arrive, and I put both together within 2-3 hours by myself (no help from husband needed). I honestly don’t know why everyone is complaining about how difficult it is to put the chairs together, and how awful the directions are. I had zero problem reading the directions, they were simple and clear. All of my hardware was supplied. Some of the bolts didn’t easily line up with the drilled holes, but it wasn’t a big deal. Like I said I put it together by myself, no husband needed. The chairs are a great size (most accent chairs are tiny), and my husband will be able to easily sit and be comfortable. The corduroy fabric seems thick and durable, so I hope it’ll stand up to our dog and child. All of the cushions come off and are velcroed to the frame. It’s a very comfortable chair and I’m very happy with my purchase. I’d buy them again. Just to note- this is MY review, I purchased the chairs myself and was not asked to write a review by the seller.