This bed looks really good but that is the only positive. It is not sturdy. The scews are not holding in place and keep falling out after they were screwed all the way in. I already warned my kids not to jump on it. This bed was for my 3 year old. After the first night she slept in it we found some screws on the floor. Doubt this bed will last 6 months. It’s a shame because it is beautiful but again the quality is terrible.
Poor quality
This bed looks really good but that is the only positive. It is not sturdy. The scews are not holding in place and keep falling out after they were screwed all the way in. I already warned my kids not to jump on it. This bed was for my 3 year old. After the first night she slept in it we found some screws on the floor. Doubt this bed will last 6 months. It’s a shame because it is beautiful but again the quality is terrible.